We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions below to enable you to find answers fast.
Where are your cabinets manufactured?
Uk Manufacturer Made in Renfrewshire, Scotland
We do not have planning permission yet; would you still provide a design for me?
Yes, as long as you can provide confirmed architect drawings.
Can you supply electrical elevations should our builders/electricians need them?
No, the design service is for the layout only.
Do you offer a home measurement service?
No, but we can work from measurements given to us from yourselves, and if you're not sure how to measure we can give you advise.
Do you sell appliances?
Yes, we sell high-quality and well-known named appliances from Neff and Bosch, and much more.
What are the measurements of your service void?
52 mm on a standard base unit or 70mm on a sink base unit.
How do you work out the handing of your corner base unit?
See our cabinet information sheet which shows a RIGHT HAND hinged door, to confirm which you require